
                                              A                                                        B                                                C                                                    D                                                      E                                                         F

Spring 2016

Academic Research 
Group of two

Started from Peter Eisenman's House VI in which strategies of autonomy and de-familiarization are found to disengage material, function, site and semantic associations, the House VI also shows the interest in syntax between architecture and language and the search for architecture as autonomy (a condition in which architectural meaning exists in the object itself ). House VI, read as an autonomous object, can be interpreted at various scales. With the reference of a figure, it is in the scale of house(A1). With the images of housing communities, the scale of context changes(A2). And the images applied as veneer has the potential to be misread as the scale of cities(A3). Thus the precedent images reshape the House VI
that results in an artifact that performs at multiple scales simultaneously through constant re-evaluation of the project based on each image that influences its reading. This transformation can be seen as fictions constructed to dislocate autonomy by becoming collections of architectural knowledge and repositories of architectural precedents.

The subject of investigation is to question the notion of autonomy through architectural precedents that imparts a notion of scale. By creating a fiction-inventing system that allows for referential scales and misreading.
Patterning model
Rubik cube
Pixelation model

Spring 2016

Investigation Process
The first step is to interpret the House VI in firstly small scale of housings to public facilities (B1)and secondly large scale of living communities to cities( E1). And then two strategies are separately used to transform these two system of scales: pixelation (B-C-D) and patterning (E-F).
1, Le Corbusier's unite d'habitation as a housing that contains single living units firstly applied on the surface of House VI(B1) , after pixelation (B2), its shape transformed and thus change the House VI three dimensionally(B3).
2, The institute of biological transaction from Rem Koolhaas's Exodus project firstly act as the scale of a public institute (C1), and after pixelation, its scale changes into Le Corbusier's Radiant City(C3).
1, City is composed by living units ( plan of unite d'habitation) and public facility ( gathering space from Bibliotheque Nationale de France ) and the organization of them can be misread as non-stop city (E1 to E2).
2, Repeating some part of Captive Globe (F1) changes the visual effect of the project to the plan of Radiant city which can become the pattern of the surface(F2). The surface has the ability to physically transform the House VI (F3).

By repurposing Eisenman's House VI as a project based on architectural reference, the plasticities project allows for multiple readings of both scale and a common architectural precedent, becoming plastic and ambiguous about its size, in both model and drawing.